Professional Artwork – Video Games


Worked as Lead Environment Artist. Created level design, terrain, terrain textures and materials, plant life, and lighting. Maintained level from creation to final art.

Here is a link to the Trailer:




Star Wars: Attack Squadrons

Worked on Death Star and unreleased Tatooine level as Environment Lead.

Here is a link to the Trailer:




Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Worked as Senior Cinematic Lighting Artist and created Matte Painting/Vistas for 2 of the major environments.

Here are some images that include my lighting.





Here are some Screenshots of the background Vistas in the game. I modeled and textured the hills and mountains that surrounded the entire playable space in both Udun and Sea of Nurnen.


Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™_20140930153516


Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor screenshot 2




Marvel Super Hero Squad – The Amazing Society

Here are some screenshots from Marvel Super Hero Squad Online. I think these levels show great color pallettes, terrific object design, a solid and cohesive art style, and are just gorgeous as you play through them. The team was allowed to be completely creative and imaginative; I believe it shows through in the game.

As the Senior Environment Artist, I designed the playable spaces, modeled the levels, created the color pallettes, lit, textured, and bug fixed the content in these environments. This was all with the help of one junior (but awesome) artist and the support of a super talented concept team. There were 12 unique environment types in all. I will continue posting them as they become available.


Forza 3- Turn 10

As the Concept and Lighting Lead, my team and I created the following images to show the look and feel for Forza 3. Everything from the car shader, the lighting, the environment, and the mood were tuned to instruct the art team towards our visual goal.

These next images show in-game screenshots of Forza Motorsport 3 for which I had the position of Lighting and Concept Lead. I spent some time on the background elements of the fictitious tracks and painted all 18 sky dome textures.


Forza 2 – Turn 10

These next images are from Forza 2. I was the Track Lead in charge of creating and polishing Road Atlanta, Maple Valley, and Mugello, all are shown below.





Forza 1 – Turn 10

This is the Rio track from Forza Motorsport. I have created other tracks; this is the only track that is specific to Forza 1. I modeled and textured about 80% of the buildings on this 4 mile circuit. I also created all of the vegetation, objects, streets, textures, and matte paintings.

More samples available upon request.



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